Welcome To The Beacon Brief

This is an additional resource to support you (and your family) as you read The Adventures of an Everyday Explorer and you discover your range of special strengths that can be deployed whenever you need a boost in your everyday life, and whilst you train to become a qualified Everyday Explorer.

This online resource has been designed to offer a more interactive approach to your training, providing printable resources, videos from Professor Stretch in the Science Lab, and additional resources and support for parents and carers.

This website has been created by the Big Happiness Experiment, in conjunction with the 16th Signal Regiment, for military children as part of the Crusader book series. It is for children aged approximately six-to-ten years old and their parents or carers, to accompany the Adventures of an Everyday Explorer book.

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All rights reserved. © The Big Happiness Experiment, 2021. Ministry of Defence Intellectual Property reproduced under licence. No part of this website may be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in an information retrieval system in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, taping, and recording, without prior written permission from The Big Happiness Experiment.