Welcome Everyday Explorer

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Congratulations! You have been selected to become an Everyday Explorer; an elite family of Army children, whose parents serve or work with the Royal Signals.

Welcome to the Beacon Brief, we are so happy that you have started to read our book, The Adventures of an Everyday Explorer, as we know that Army children have some pretty big situations to deal with, as your parents have jobs that can mean your family life is always changing. Your Everyday Explorer training will help you to cope with the times when you have worries, feel scared or are feeling big emotions. The book, and the resources that you’ll find here within The Beacon Brief, will help you to thrive and become your ultimate Everyday Explorer!

Once you’ve completed your training, you can use these tools at home or at school to help you to cope with many of the challenges, problems, and worries that life as an Army family may bring. Enjoy your training, and we hope you find the resources in both the Science Lab and the Printable Resources section useful. We hope that one day soon we will meet you in person at an incredibly special Everyday Explorer Awards Ceremony!

What is Beacon Camp?

Beacon Camp is designed to help you learn and train for the times when you feel worried, stressed, or scared – or alone, angry, or sad. In fact, the lessons you will learn will support you with any feelings or emotions that you may struggle to manage. We will give you plenty of knowledge, tools, and techniques to help you to cope, feel confident and happy. Here at camp, you will meet George, Krishna, Emily, Zuri, Lakshmi and Ben. You will follow their adventures as they learn and practise for the times when they get worried, stressed, or scared. By following the stories of these fellow explorers, you will learn how to manage any feelings or thoughts that you might find yourself struggling with.

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Let’s Explore

While at camp, you will be learning about a particularly special map, which we call a ‘Map of Me’.

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This “map of me” holds the key to eight special strengths that you can use to help you to navigate your way more swiftly and surely through challenges in your life. What is more, as you complete your own Map of Me, you will learn new skills to help you to feel more confident, courageous, and happy. For this reason, there are special activity sections throughout the camp for you to work on, which are designed to help you to remember all that you have learned and discovered as an Everyday Explorer.